Today, January 22, 2024, the much-awaited inauguration of the Ayodhya Ram Mandir is taking place with the ‘Pran Pratishtha‘ or consecration ceremony of Ram Lalla idol. Prime Minister Narendra Modi will preside over the consecration ceremony, which is expected to begin around 12:20 pm. The 51-inch tall Ram Lalla idol to be consecrated has been crafted by Mysuru-based sculptor Arun Yogiraj. The idol also contains carvings of all ten incarnations of Lord Vishnu, Hindu Gods like Lord Hanuman, and other major Hindu religious symbols. Nearly 7,000 invitees, including politicians, industrialists, celebrities, and sportspersons, are expected to attend the pran-pratishtha ceremony. The Ayodhya city has been decked up with saffron flags, huge cutouts of Lord Ram, and posters bearing religious slogans related to Lord Ram. The security has been tightened, and the city has turned into a fortress with ATS Commandos and anti-bomb squads.
The grand inauguration of the Ayodhya Ram Mandir is set to unfold today, marking a historic moment in the cultural and spiritual landscape of India. Prime Minister Narendra Modi will grace the occasion, overseeing the ‘Pran Pratishtha’ ceremony, a sacred ritual to infuse life into the idol of Lord Ram, meticulously crafted by the talented Arun Yogiraj and reverently placed in the temple’s Sanctum Sanctorum.
Ceremony Highlights
1. Pran Pratishtha Ceremony and Prime Minister’s Address
The much-anticipated “Pran Pratishtha” ceremony is scheduled to commence at 12:20 pm, concluding around 1 pm. Post the ritual, Prime Minister Modi will address a distinguished gathering of over 7,000 individuals, including spiritual leaders and notable personalities. As revealed by the Shri Ram Janmabhoomi Teerth Kshetra Trust, the idol of Ram Lalla underwent a ritualistic bathing with “aushadhiyukt” water, symbolizing its sanctification.
2. Stringent Security Measures
Ayodhya has been enveloped in tight security, with commandos from the Uttar Pradesh Anti-Terrorist Squad (ATS) strategically stationed at key locations, including Lata Mangeshkar Chowk. The Uttar Pradesh Police have implemented advanced technology to ensure comprehensive security arrangements for the event, demonstrating their commitment to a safe and harmonious celebration.
3. Surveillance Network
A network of 10,000 CCTV cameras is actively monitoring public and undercover police movements at the venue. Streets like Dharampath, Rampath, Hanumangarhi area’s bylanes, and the Asharfi Bhavan road are under regular patrol by a visible police presence, ensuring a secure environment for all attendees.
4. Auspicious Sound Ceremony
The ceremony is set to begin with ‘Mangal Dhvani’ (auspicious sound) on January 22. Over 50 enchanting musical instruments from various states will play for almost 2 hours, creating a mesmerizing atmosphere. Instruments include Pakhawaj, flute, Dholak of Uttar Pradesh, Veena of Karnataka, and more, contributing to a harmonious and joyous celebration.
Global Celebrations
5. International Voices Joining the Festivities
Mauritius Prime Minister Pravind Kumar Jugnauth has called for a festive celebration, emphasizing the enduring significance of Lord Ram’s blessings and teachings in guiding people towards peace and prosperity. His message resonates globally, fostering a sense of unity and shared joy.
6. Kumar Vishwas and Saina Nehwal’s Perspectives
Former AAP leader Kumar Vishwas expressed that the construction of the Ram Mandir has transformed the prevailing sadness into happiness and excitement. Renowned Indian badminton Olympic medalist Saina Nehwal, along with other esteemed figures, is participating in the ‘Pran Pratistha’ ceremony, symbolizing a convergence of diverse talents and backgrounds in this auspicious event.
7. Star-Studded Guest List
The ‘Pran Pratishtha’ ceremony has attracted a stellar guest list, including Bollywood personalities like Akshay Kumar, Kangana Ranaut, Amitabh Bachchan, and sports legends like Anil Kumble and PT Usha. The presence of such luminaries adds a touch of glamour to this momentous occasion.
The Ayodhya Ram Mandir inauguration stands as a symbol of cultural resurgence, bringing together people from diverse backgrounds to celebrate a shared heritage. The meticulous planning, security measures, and the convergence of global voices mark this event as a shining moment in India’s history. May the blessings of Lord Ram continue to guide the nation towards peace and prosperity. Jai Shri Ram!
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